I went to the swamp recently, as I always do each year on a late winter day, to get some air and “think space”. Took my fishing bag with supplies for a camp fire and lunch, and struck out with Riley into the forest.
After a while on the trail, we encountered a flock of wild turkeys, but as they are sooo skittish, no pics….and unable to get within several hundred yards of them. Eventually found a nice spot in the depths of the swamp, and started a small cook fire. The dog played around, and I made lunch for the both of us….
It was a nice day, warm…..but overcast. A good time to think, and “wash out” the old grey matter. Not too much moving in the bush, the odd squirrel, and a group of crows that had singled us out, and were broadcasting our location throughout the forest.
The bread was blackened, but the smell and taste reminded me of camping when I was a young kid….
Shared the beans with Dopey Dog, and sat contemplating the location.
Riley was having fun climbing about, and I think that I really could watch her for hours, as she brings pure joy to the heart…
More beans please! 🙂
Tried to catch a pic of both me and the dog, but as she wouldn’t sit still, no such luck. Can’t say I am the same kid that started this tradition in the mid 1970’s !
On the way back, we found a large flock of geese, and Riley thought she had suddenly become a pointer instead of a retriever….
The geese stayed absolutely quiet, focused on the dog and vice versa….they sort of looked like inverted golf clubs in the corn stubble…
Until Riley got brave and made them all jump into the air.
Each day like this since I started doing it “way back when “has been different. Different locations, for example (when I had my farm), but no matter what the weather, snow or no, the outcome is ALWAYS the same. Something I will have to do until I expire. Spend a few hours a year in the late winter in a quiet place surrounded by nature, enjoying the solitude and quiet. This year with a friend….